Tuesday 31 March 2009


During the research of Let's Rebrand Britain, I have discovered many references to Britishness, especially during my Googling. Today I listened to Radio 4's programme called Britishness. Click here to listen to the show.

It was interesting to hear the view of the general public on Britishness. We have launched our own online survey, and we can't wait to see the results. During the Radio 4 show, Matthew d'Ancona explored the meaning of 'Britishness'.

Words used to describe Britain:

Stiff upper lip;
Fish & Chips;
Roast Beef on Sunday;

The programme explored the British National Identity. Many people who were interviewed, considered themselves English, Scottish, Irish or Welsh. But not British.

Michael Gove MP contributed to the show, and commented that he thinks the subject of Britishness is just a political stunt to persuade people voting for Gordon Brown.

May we reassure you that Let's Rebrand Britain is for people passionate about places and people – not politics! Vicky, the founder of Let's Rebrand Britain, is in it because she is passionate about Britain, and wants to feel like a proud Brit, instead of feeling ashamed.

Please take part in our online survey at www.letsrebrandbritain.com.